Welcome to Todd's Project Page

This page is dedicated to the many projects I have worked on, are working on, or plan to work on. These projects will be hardware or software related, or maybe a combination of both. A large number of these so called projects will be simple things I've created to learn something new. Anything listed without a link is probably still a vaporware project I plan on doing at somepoint, or it may be just a page hasn't been developed for that particular project yet.

The Sign Project:

I purchased a large digital LED sign. It is currently in use in my apartment to display news, weather, etc. I want to do more with this sign however I need to crack the checksum being used for the data transfer before this project can go further. This page currently contains information that may be helpful in cracking the checksum.

UPC Search:

To learn some PHP and MySQL, I took the freely available UPC database from upcdatabase.com and built my own searchable database from the data. Rather primitive.

What's On My Tivo:

Using some premade scripts, I plan to have a page that constantly updates and gives the status of what my Tivo has recorded, plans to record and what it currently is recording. I also plan to add a database to keep a list of every show my Tivo ever records and make it searchable.

Tivo Display Project:

Ever wanted a quick way to see what Tivo is doing? This project involves adding a VFD display to the front of a Tivo to show current activity.

APRS Tracking Device:

A small GPS and radio combination using the Automatic Positioning Reporting System (APRS) packet protocol to allow position tracking via ham radio.

Last Updated: 7/19/02

Contact me: projects@dickwick.com